Hello, friend thank you for taking your time to visit this page I will encourage you to be patient and go through this article and I believe that this post will help you to understand real fact about Jesus Christ and why He is not a god. Some people think that Christ is the Lamb of God and some others believe that He is the greatest prophet. Others say that he is founder of a religious group called Christianity. Some also believe that he is not the creator and so cannot be God because of scientific theories. But which of these statements truly describe the person of Jesus Christ? Although, the science had stated some mind blowing theories of the existence of life on the earth that is the theory of evolution of life which stated that life started as one funny element in the water and after so many years the element developed into the high mammal known as human being, but the bible says Genesis 1:1 “ in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth ” KJV ...
The New Life In Christ Jesus is a blog for people who want to know about the life which every born again christian has in Christ