now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able
to build up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified
(Acts 20:32).
The Apostle
Paul couldn’t think of a better way to bless the brethren at Ephesus than to
commend them to the Word of God. As Christians, we’re born of the Word (1 Peter 2:23); the Word gave birth to us;
therefore, our lives can only be built and sustained by the Word. From the
moment you made Jesus the Lord of your life, the building process began; the
Word builds you spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, and in all
areas of life.
the Word is able to “give”
you an inheritance among all those that are sanctified. This is quite an
interesting thought. The Spirit of God, through the Apostle Paul, wrote this to
the Church. Why would He say this to Christians who already have an inheritance
in Christ Jesus? First, understand that He wasn’t talking about the ownership
of the inheritance; rather, he was talking about the inheritance being
delivered into your hands.
For example, you might be the rightful
owner of an inheritance, e.g., a landed property, and never be able to get into
it, perhaps because of litigations due to difficult individuals claiming ownership
of the same property. In the same way, though all things are legally yours in
Christ Jesus, who often try to sway God’s people from enjoy, irrespective of
the activities of the adversary.
If you’d constantly meditate on the Word, not
only will you be built for success, excellence and the victorious life, the
Word will also deliver into your hands that which is rightfully yours in Christ.
So, open up your appetite for the Word. Bombard your mind with scriptures until
you’re configured to think from the Word’s perspective only.
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