Romans 1:1-4
Jesus Christ was declared to be the son
of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, in other words, by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ, He was proved to be the son of God. So not only
was He declared the son of God, not only did the prophet declare Him to be the
son of God, He was proved to be the son of God with power by the resurrection
from the dead. He not only said He was, He proved that He was the son of God.
We said who is Jesus?
is the son of God
is the savior of the world (John 3:16; 1 John 4:14)
Before we go
any further, I want you to examine that verse; John 3:16, now what was said
here was not a promise, I want you to understand the construction of that
language it says “God gave His son to the world that whosoever believes should
not perish”, this is a law; it’s a sovereign declaration of Almighty God that
anybody who believes in Jesus should not perish. That means, if you believe in Jesus,
you are separated from those to perish, there is a divine law that separates
you from perishing. You should not perish, just because things happen to many
people it should no happen to you, that’s what that scripture is saying;
because you believe in Jesus.
He is Lord of Heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18-19)
That means
His name has power in Heaven and has power in the earth, His name commands
respect in heaven and commands respect in the earth. No other human being has
the authority in Heaven and on earth, there's nobody else, in all the religions
of the world nobody ever declared that, nobody had the boldness, the audacity
to say that “all authority in heaven and in earth is given unto me” except
Jesus. We need to get bolder about Jesus, we are not worshipping some dead God,
we are talking about someone who was raised up from the dead and declared to be
the son of God with power and is alive today and has all authority in heaven
and on earth and I am proud of Him. Never be ashamed of Him, no matter what
happens, the time for shame has passed; I’ll never be ashamed of Him, be bold
about Him, proclaim His name boldly because you know who He is. When you are
ashamed of Jesus, it’s because you don’t know who He is but if you know who He
is, there is no place for shame. I can walk through the length and breadth of
this world because I know who I am.
What did Jesus
come to do?
You know we've heard so much about Jesus,
but what exactly did Jesus come to do? Somebody said He came to set up a
beautiful religion, No! A lot of people know Jesus as a religious leader but He
never came to start a religion. Somebody said, oh Jesus, the greatest man but
He is more than that, they said He is the greatest prophet but He is more than
a prophet, the greatest teacher; more than a teacher, they called Him a
philosopher but he was not a philosopher, some say that He was the greatest
martyr, but Jesus was not a martyr, the death of Jesus was not the death of a
martyr. Jesus was not a martyr, a martyr is someone who dies for what He
believes, someone who stakes His life for His beliefs, Jesus didn’t stake His
life for His beliefs, He didn’t die for what He believed, and Jesus was a
sacrifice and not a martyr. He gave up Himself of His own freewill, He died as
a sacrifice, and He was a sacrifice for me and for you.
To take away our sins (John 9:29)
He came to take away the sins of the world. I was talking with a religious man one day and I said to Him, why are you into this religion? and he said “I was born into it” and I said what is the future of your believing”? And He said “one day when I die I’ll go to heaven” and I said “how are you going to get there”? And He said “I don’t know but I sure will go”. I said do you know anybody who has been there and he said “I am not sure”, I said “what makes you sure you are going there”? Then I said “whatever this heaven you are talking about, it must be a clean place, it must be a place where God dwells, so you are not expected to come there with sin in your life”, He said “that’s true”, I said “so what are you going to do about your sins”? He said “I never thought about that”, I said “you never thought about it? How are you going to enter heaven with your sins?” then I said “you mean you’ve been in religion so long and nobody ever told you about your sins?” and He said “I thought that if my good works outweighed my bad works then God will accept me”, I said “that’s not the way God thinks”, and then I said “if you have a drop of unclean water and then you put it into a drum of pure water, is the water still pure?” and he said “No” and so I said “one little sin in your life can never be outweighed by a lot of good works, so no matter how good you’ve been, it will never be enough to settle the evil that you’ve done or thought in your life for one brief moment” and then He began to think, he just realized that nobody ever made Him think seriously. He said “so what am I going to do?” I said “great! That’s why Jesus came, to pay the full penalty for our sins”. He came to take our place, He took our place of punishment, so all of the punishment I would have taken because of my sins were laid on Jesus, He was punished in my place, He suffered the condemnation of God because of me, because I was condemned and so Jesus came in my place and took my place of condemnation and gave me His place of righteousness. So he went to the cross, as you’ve heard, He was crucified on the cross. Somebody said He was crucified because He did something wrong, but He never did anything wrong, He was crucified in our place; He died in our place; that’s the message that He brought to the world. That’s why we read in John 3:16 “for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, Jesus, that anybody who believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. If you believe that Jesus was the son of God and that He died as our savior, and that HE came to save our souls, if you believe that then the salvation that He purchased with His death belongs to you, that’s what it’s all about. So you take your place of righteousness because He took your place of sin and condemnation, that’s the difference. Such that no matter how bad you’ve been, no matter how wayward you’ve been, no matter how evil you’ve been, if you believe in Jesus Christ and that what He did on the cross was for you, then you will be absorbed off your guilt because your guilt was borne by Jesus Christ.
is it that when people begin to study the bible for themselves and believe in
Jesus Christ, and talk about Jesus boldly, they somehow begin to have so much
confidence? I don’t know whether you’ve begin to observe it, maybe even with
yourself, why is it so? I tell you why it is so, because they’ve found out
something. They’ve found out that God is not mad at them, that God wants them,
that God loves them, that Jesus took their place of punishment and they’ll
never be punished again for their sins. So they are confident in life now. He
came to save us; He came to take away our sins, thank God.
He came to give us eternal life
This is the
best news on planet earth. First and foremost what is eternal life? Eternal
life is the life of God, you talk about plant life, animal life, and even human
life, and there are different kinds of life. Reptiles have their own kind of
life; insects have their own kind of life; human beings have their own kind of
life; but God has his own kind of life. And now the bible tells us that Jesus
came to give us His kind of life, He not only came to save us from our sins, He
came to give us his God kind of life, the God type of life. You
were born of a human life when you were born of your mother and father, you
came to this world with a human life but that’s not sufficient because you are
a spirit being, your human life is not enough, that’s why Jesus came to give us
another kind of life. Religion says you will get that life when you get to
heaven, but the bible says you’ll receive that life when Jesus comes into your
heart. You receive eternal life, the God nature when you receive Jesus Christ
as lord of your life, that’s when that life takes it’s abode in your heart, it
happens now. When you proclaim Him lord of your life, you receive eternal life;
the life and nature of God, that’s why Jesus came; He came to give us life. In
the 10th verse of the 10th chapter of Saint John’s
gospel, Jesus said “I am come that they might have life and that they might
have it more abundantly”, life for spirit, soul and body, you can have that
life at once, you can have it now and you ought to have it now. Parents don’t
like it when their children are suffering or in pain, so why would God like for
us to be in pain, suffering, poor and needy? He doesn’t like it, God wants us
well, sound, healthy and prosperous but most of the world doesn’t think that
way of God because they never read the bible, they let somebody deceive them
about God. Anybody can deceive you about God; all it takes is to dress like you
are close to God, that’s all it takes. I could put on anything and walk
different and look like I must be from somewhere else, that will be enough to
make some people believe, but that’s not right. God loves us; God wants us, if
He didn’t want us, why did He bring us here? You’ll say why do so many people
suffer? Doesn’t God see it? That’s why He sent me to you. And tonight when I am
through sharing the word with you and then I pray for you and then you believe
as well, then you take the same message to the nations of the world and you go
tell everybody “God wants you well, prosperous, and healthy”, you will take the
message everywhere; let’s change this world. That’s what it takes, see until
you know the will of God, you’ll never take advantage of it, somebody is got to
hear it first; if you don’t hear it how can you believe it. And the bible says
the blessing of God is for those who believe it but until you hear about it,
you can’t believe it, but how are you going to hear it until somebody who is
anointed or who has experienced you it preach it to you. Make up your mind, you
are not going to only receive so many blessings in this place tonight but you
are going to take the message everywhere. That’s what I did, I didn’t start
this whole thing; I didn’t write the bible, I heard that Jesus loved me, I
heard that He died for me, I heard that He wanted me sound, well and
prosperous, I believed it and it worked and I went with the same message until
I got here tonight, I've been at it.
He came to make us
sons of God
He was the son of God Himself, He came as
the son of God, now He is making more sons of God, He came to make us sons of
God. He doesn’t want us to be just religious people, He wants us to be sons of
God, and you’ll be bold about life, you’ll be confident 24hours a day and
you’ll be a winner at every count. Religion is past, reality has come (1
How relevant is Jesus
Looking around this place tonight is
one good reason to think Jesus is relevant, you are talking about thousands of
people around this place tonight for one reason; Jesus, He must be relevant.
There must be something about Him. If Jesus came to give us eternal life, that
must mean we have eternal life now, if you believe in Jesus then you have
eternal life now, let that soak (let it get in). Eternal life is the God kind
of life, if you have that life, it’ll destroy sickness in your body, it’ll make
you strong and healthy, and no disease or infirmity can occupy your body,
that’s a fact.
Marks 16:17-18
Some of you came here sick in your body and
you are expecting to be healed, but if you believe what I just shared with you,
nothing can stop your healing tonight. Now why you are there, you are going to
say to yourself “I believe”. Now the bible shows us that demons and devils are
responsible for most sicknesses, most afflictions of the body are caused by
demons and Jesus said “in His name we shall cast out devils”. When we begin
praying, if it’s your leg, you are going to turn to your legs and you are going
to say “devil come out of my leg”, if it’s somebody that you brought here who
is close to you there, you're going to turn to that person, if it is any kind
of sicknesses or infirmities, you're going to say “devil come out of him/her in
the name of Jesus. He says these signs shall follow them that believe, if they
shall drink any deadly thing, whether you are drinking it through or through
your veins, it makes no difference. He is talking about infections, He says if
anything finds its way into your body, if you drink any poisonous thing, any
deadly thing, it shall have no power over you. If you’ll proclaim His name upon
your life tonight, let me show you how to do it, you are going to put your hand
on your own head and you are going to say, “Jesus Christ is Lord of my spirit,
my soul, and my body”. I've found a way out of my trouble, out of my dilemma,
Jesus is the way out, they say there's no way out, but not with the name of
Jesus. I remember a young man, they said He was diagnosed with this terrible
blood disease, they said He was going to die, and then He came into one of our
meetings and while He was in there listening to the word of God, He heard this
message, and in the feeble condition that He was, he turned to the fellow that
brought Him and said “guess what, I’m not going to die anymore, I believe this
thing” and then in that weakness when it was time to get up, He pulled himself
together and He got and began to worship along, before long He got more
strengthened, before long He began to move around and before long, He was
dancing around and He is still alive today and that’s been about five years
ago. He went back for a test, they found Him negative. Maybe you came here
without hope, I’m here to tell you there's hope for you, there's no such thing
as hopeless when it comes to Jesus. No situation is hopeless, it maybe hopeless
but wait until Jesus comes. There's something to shout about, when we’re
through tonight, when you get back home you are going to be walking like a
king. Fear is gone, Jesus has given you the life, you are not afraid anymore;
you are assured of a bright future.
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