“And be not confirmed to this world: but be
ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”
Romans 12:2. The word “transformed” used in Romans 12:2 is from the Greek
“metamorphoo” which means to metamorphose or to transfigure. It connotes a
change in state. Think about the complete metamorphosis of an insect, like a
butterfly. It starts a little butterfly egg, laid on a plant, hatches into a larva.
The larva, now free of the confines of the shell, creeps about, feeding
voraciously until something very fascinating happens to it. It undergoes a
dramatic change in state and wraps itself in a cocoon, forming into pupa.
Finally, when the change is completed, the cocoon splits and a butterfly forces
its way out, stretches out its wings, and flies away.
there are some insects, for example, the cicada, that for some reason, live
most of their lives in the larva stage. Some species of cicada live 17 years in
larva stage and become adults, only to live for 7 days and then die. Imagine
living 17 years as a creeping larva, to only enjoy the glory of flying on
beautiful wings as an adult for 7 days. Don’t be a “larva-stage Christian,” not
fully exploring all that God has for you.
After you’ve given your heart to Christ,
there’s a training process which begins with the renewing of your mind. Imagine
a Christian who grew up fighting off the devil from his house, and always
asking the Lord for mercy and pity. Such a person has a victim’s mentality and
his mind has to be renewed with the Word of God. Some unfortunately linger at
this stage, only to discover later in life that everything they had been
praying for was always in their spirits; everything they’ve been asking the
Lord or was their all along, but they didn’t know it.
wait too long to know about this glorious life in Christ Jesus! It’s best for
you to start digging deep into the Word of God early, to discover all the
wonderful treasures that belong to you in Christ. Let the Word renew your mind;
by so doing, you’ll only live from glory to glory 2 Corinthians 3:18.
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