For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God
to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4)
When the bible talks about “strongholds”, it
doesn’t refer to spiritual structures which the enemy has put in place. Observe
that this verse 4 is in parenthesis and is explained by verse 5 which is
directly connected to verse 3. Now, verse 5 reads “[inasmuch as we] refute
arguments {and} theories {and} reasonings and every proud {and} lofty thing
that sets itself up against the [true]knowledge of God; and we lead every
thought {and}purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah,
the Anointed One)” (2 Corinthians 10:5 AMP).
So, it’s clear what “strongholds” refer to: ideas, thoughts, principles, arguments and reasoning of men, which are contrary to God’s word. For example, certain folks hold on tenaciously to the belief that God uses sickness to punish His children; that’s a stronghold that keeps them in bondage. But we have weapons that are mighty through God in pulling down such stronghold.
We use the Word of
God to tear down strongholds, whether they’re in the lives of others or in our
own lives. The Bible shows us that when Jesus came to Nazareth, He couldn’t do
mighty works there, since the people had a mindset (stronghold) that He was a
mere carpenter’s son. The next verse tells us that He “…went round about the
village, teaching” (Mark 6:6). He had to use the word of God to cure the
unbelief which was a product of their mindset.
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