Following Jesus is not going to church always, it is not
praying always, it is not reading the bible always etc. although, all these
activities are good but they do not make one a follower of Christ Jesus.
Matthew 19:16-21, the rich young ruler was perfect in all of them yet something
was missing which was the most important one. In the book of John 3:1 Nicodemus,
a ruler of the Jew, was disqualified in spite of his knowledge of the law.
is following Jesus?
So, what is following Jesus? Following Jesus Christ is living
by the word of God. Luke 4:4 and Jesus answered him saying man shall not live
by bread alone, by every word of God. This is living your life according to the
direction of the Word of God. It is abiding in the word of God or Jesus. John
Steps to follow
You must believe in Jesus Christ, John 3:16
You must be born again John 3:3
You must have faith in God. Heb 11:1-6
You must confess Jesus as the Lord of your life
and accept the finished work on the cross. Romans10:9-10
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